The Prophetic Cycle of Chaos | Lance Wallnau
This past weekend, our very special guest speaker was Lance Wallnau. Brother Lance opened his message by ominously saying: “Something is happening in the United States where the church is reaching a tipping point in its influence in the spiritual atmosphere. And the country’s starting to shake out of something it’s been under and it’s coming to freedom. Our unity is an accelerator. I’m going to be talking a little bit about divine convergence when you’re walking into the timing of God.”
Dive Deeper
What is God’s ultimate end game for nations? If you pray about and you’re interested in the world, we’re talking about sheep nations and goat nations.
Brother Lace observed, “It’s the end of the political season.” And as such, he shared revelation regarding voting.
George Barna completed a survey that said 31 million Christians will not vote this year. However, there are enough Christians that are awakened and who will vote that together can create a tipping point.
Don’t vote by personality:
The number one thing to know about who to vote for is that you should never vote for a personality.
People vote for people that look like them: If you’re black, black people will vote for you. If you’re Hispanic, Hispanic people will vote for you. If you’re Asian, Asian people will vote for you. You should be a little bit more discriminating than to just vote for someone that looks like you.
The bias is frustrating that people vote for people who are like them. They do so because in our fallen nature, we have rapport with what’s similar. Rapport means all people prefer others reflecting themselves.
People are easily manipulated by political rhetoric. Politicians say, “I’m just a Middle Class person.” They say it because pollsters tell them to “really beef up your appeal to the middle class.” And people fall for it.
Don’t vote for personality because personality is the least important indicator as to whether or not God has a plan.
Example: Winston Churchill was a “blustering, bloviating, cigar-smoking, drinker” but was anointed by God to stand up to Nazi Germany.
Principles come from the Bible…
Where do we get our principles from? The Word of God, a.k.a. the Bible, is your foundation.
Principle on debt: The Bible is where we get our principles regarding debt. God doesn’t like debt. So when the government is spending $35 trillion, you know that’s stupid.
Principle on life: Another Bible principle is that God is for life. One would argue, “Well, what about the mother?” Brother Lance said, “I think we can all agree that a fully formed nine-month-old baby shouldn’t be terminated.”
Those who are pro-abortion all agree with that. But they can’t figure out what month to terminate.
Principle on boundaries: How about boundaries? Brother Lance said, “I can’t just walk into your house and take over your kitchen and go into your refrigerator. It’s your house. However, your nation is also your house. And you shouldn’t have the door open where somebody opens it up and let’s anyone in.”
Some would argue, “Jesus was a refugee. He went down to Egypt.”
Yes, He did. However, the Bible has a criteria for what’s called a “wise welcome.” A wise welcome means you bring people in that’ll be part of a multitude that can assimilate into your culture, into your faith, and into your community. If they don’t, you have what’s called a mixed multitude. And a mixed multitude always leads to a transgression.
The Bible speaks to every area of life:
You can see the Bible has something to say about debt, about life, and about boundaries. But the Bible also has a word for every area of life.
“Man shall not live by bread but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.” This truth isn’t just for Christians. This truth applies to every nation. Violating these truths is like violating the law of gravity.
For instance, the law of gravity applies to every country. “For verily, if you violate the law of gravity, your plane will crash.” Someone might say, “I don’t believe in gravity.” But no matter whether he believes in gravity or not, if he violates the laws of gravity, he will crash. This is a truth for all nations.
My point is this: The Word of God gives us inside information on the principles that align with life and with truth, what is ultimately going to be for the prosperity of your nation.
Out of those principles come policies. Your policies are going to be about spending, about police, about debt, about life, about property, about boundaries. All legislation comes out of these ideas.
People say, “Well, brother Lance, you can’t legislate morality.” That’s a very dumb statement. All legislation is somebody’s morality being imposed on you.
You can’t legislate obedience to God, but you can legislate the laws and the consequences for disobedience.
Principles come from the Word. If you don’t know the Word, then you have to come up with your own principles. This is why principles all over the country are all kinds of different.
Discussion Questions
Laws should be based on God’s law, the Bible. Can you think of any laws that go against the Bible?
Can you find in the Bible where that law would go against God’s law?
What is a “wise welcome”?

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