Dr. Billye Brim
Living Word had the honor of being ministered to by guest speaker, Dr. Billye Brim. Pastor Mac introduced her by saying not only is she a prophet of God but she is also a long-time friend of this ministry; time and again, God has used her to bring spiritual blessings to Living Word right at the needed time. Billye updated us on the progress of the Migdal property in Israel and talked about God’s sacred calendar of redemption.
Billye Brim | 09/16/23 | Saturday 5 p.m. | Migdal Update
In the Saturday night message, Billye updated everyone of the progress on Migdal, the land purchased in Israel. After 20 years, they finally got permission to build upon the land. She showed photos of the building’s foundation being built. She feels strongly the Lord wants to use that land for end time purposes, as a safe place during the time of tribulation. She talked about the sacred calendar and where we are on the timeline. Also, the Lord wanted her to talk about change and the changes taking place in the earth.
Billye Brim | 09/17/23 | Sunday 9 a.m. | The Glorious Church
The Lord instructed Billye to “speak of My season of change because this year will be a year of rapid change.” She talked about brother Oral Roberts’ message saying, “He’s coming soon yet none of My preachers are preaching about it.” We are seeing the birth pangs of this dispensation folding up, and how the glorious church will come forth. The body of Christ is the glorious church. Every member of the body of Christ is a “living stone.” God the Holy Spirit is building a temple made up of His living stones so that God can fill it with His glory.
Billye Brim | 09/17/23 | Sunday 11 a.m. | God Is Building His Living Temple
In this message, Billye shared the miraculous details of acquiring the land in Israel. She talked about God’s sacred calendar of redemption and how the Jewish people have been keeping count of the years since 1100s, BC. She talked about the Lord’s message about the season of change, and that this year will be a year of rapid change. She read a prophecy about how God is preparing to fold up this dispensation, bringing it to a close. God is going to bring everything He started to completion. In this message, she talked about how the greatest change that is coming will be the body of Christ, how God is changing us into a temple of the Holy Spirit. God said, “I will live in them, I will move in them, I will walk in them.”
Discussion Questions
When you hear about this dispensation coming to an end, does it fill you with joy? If not, why?
Do you or do you not believe in the rapture? If no, why not?
Are you ready for the return of our Lord?

Recent Sermon Notes

GRACE UNVEILED: “Ever Doing the Things I Don’t Want to Do” #29 | Jim Hammond

Last weekend, Pastor Jim gave the 29th installment to his teaching series on the book of Romans entitled, “Grace Unveiled.” In this chapter, Paul talks about his own personal struggle as to why he keeps doing carnal things that he doesn’t want to do, yet he keeps doing them. This portion of scripture has to do with believers who are alive in their spirit man but are walking out their lives in spiritual defeat because they’re trying to obey the law with all of its rules and regulations in their own self-effort, their own strength. Thus, the subtitle of this message is “Ever Doing the Things I Don’t Want to Do.”

The Impossible Dream: Strongholds, #3 | Mac Hammond

Pastor Mac presented the third installment of his new series entitled, “The Impossible Dream.” He said it was important that we have a clear understanding of what is the impossible dream. It’s not enough simply to dream. You need to go out on a limb and dream an impossible dream. What is an “impossible” dream? It’s a dream that can’t be fulfilled without God’s ability and power! Pastor Mac said, “God has called us to be dreamers.”

GRACE UNVEILED: “Death, Raised, Bound, Loosed,” #28 | Jim Hammond

Pastor Jim continued with his series on the book of Romans entitled, “Grace Unveiled.” His focus was the passage in Romans 7:13–14: “Has then what is good become death to me? Certainly not! But sin, that it might appear sin, was producing death in me through what is good, so that sin through the commandment might become exceedingly sinful. For we know that the law is spiritual, but I am carnal, sold under sin.” Pastor Jim taught on the Apostle Paul’s own personal struggle with trying to live his Christianity with an Old Covenant mindset… how it was impossible to do and something that would only bring about failure. In spite of Paul’s warning, many Christians try to live their Christian lives with an Old Covenant mindset.

GRACE UNVEILED | Don’t Blame the Mirror for What You Look Like #27 | Jim Hammond

Pastor Jim gave the 27th installment of his series on the book of Romans called, “Grace Unveiled.” We’re in the seventh chapter, nicknamed by scholars as “Law School.” Romans chapter six tells us that sin has no more dominion over you. The reason is because you’re not under the law; instead, you’re under grace. Yet, many believers are living as though they are under Old Covenant law. How does that happen? Their mentality is Old Covenant, not New Covenant. Pastor Jim explains how that happens. 

GRACE UNVEILED: “School of Law” #26 | Jim Hammond

Pastor Jim gave the next installment to his teaching series on the book of Romans: “Grace Unveiled.” In this 26th message, he taught on Romans chapter 7, which he subtitled, “School of Law.” In this chapter, the Apostle Paul used an allegory of the marriage relationship to compare the Old Covenant with the New Covenant. Even though Christians are under the New Covenant, they very often slip into the mindset of someone that lived under the Old Covenant.